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Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications

Buckland's Book of Spirit Communication is for anyone who wishes to communicate with spirits, as well as for the less adventurous who simply want to satisfy their curiosity about the subject. Explore the nature of the physical body and learn how to prepare yourself to become a medium. Experience for yourself the trance state, clairvoyance, psychometry, table tipping, levitation, talking boards, automatic writing, spiritual photography, spiritual healing, distant healing, channelling, and development circles. This book also aims to teach you how to avoid spiritual fraud.

Raymond Buckland (whose craft name was Robat) was an English writer on the subject of Wicca and the occult, as well as one of the most well known significant figures in the history of Wicca. Raymond Buckland was a high priest in both the Gardnerian and Seax-Wica traditions and has been credited with helping to bring Wicca out of the shadows, and into the light as a legitimate and recognized religion in America.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great read and well put together

Love this book! The chapters are perfectly sized, not too big and not too small but with everything you wanted to know. I also love the “in profile” parts at the end of the chapters where he discusses mediums in history that relate to each chapter. Awesome book! And if it caught your eye I can assure you it’s worth reading, you’ll love it too.